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Organic vs Chemical Fertilizers

Organic Fertilizers

- Made from plant and vegetable wastes, animal matters and mineral sources

o Composts – organic waste that has decomposed by composting (Vegetable and plant waste, animal excreta etc.)

o Manure – Feces from animals (cow dung, chicken dung, goat droppings etc.)

o Vermipost – resulting from worm species degrading to create mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste

o Bone meal – made up of animal bones and other slaughterhouse waste.

- Benefits of Organic Fertilizers

o Improved fertility of soil

o Leaves of the plants are green and retain the actual color

o Helps in microbes thriving

o Toxic free and user friendly to human and environment

Chemical Fertilizers

- Composed of raw chemicals manufactured in a factory into solid or liquid forms that targets plants’ nutritional needs

- Pros of Chemical Fertilizers

o Provide immediate nourishment to the plants

o Effective for plants that are struggling and requires immediate help

o Contains essential nutrients NPK for plant growth

- Cons of Chemical Fertilizers

o Increase acidity of soil, changing the kinds of microorganisms that can live in the soil

o Prone to encourage plant disease with overabundance of N, P or K

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